Feature Enhancements
Merchant: Add “Total Sales Amount” to the Header row in the Items Report.
Merchant: Update the “What’s New” section of the merchant’s weekly insights email to match the design of the other sections. Also, update the copy for that section and update hyperlink with newly released Enhanced Reporting content.
Reseller: Enhancement requests for Master Reseller/Reseller feature (previously known as Master Reseller/Sub-ISO feature). This feature allows larger partners to create Reseller Portals for their MSPs and ISOs; these Reseller Portals will be nested under the original Master Reseller account. We’ve also made the following updates below:
- Only allow the Master Reseller to onboard merchants.
- For individual merchant on boardings, include additional field “Reseller” to indicate whether a merchant should be assigned to the Master Reseller or the nested Reseller.
- Update bulk on boarding file to include column “Reseller”.
- Remove team member permission “Board new merchants” in the nested Reseller Portal.
- Only allow the Master Reseller to move merchant accounts between nested Reseller and Master Reseller portals.
- Restricted view: (a) Master Reseller - able to view all merchants within both portals; (b) Nested Reseller - able to view only merchants within their portfolio.
Reseller: (Elavon) Remove the rule that moves all merchants on boarded with client group 26 to the Accepta portal.
Developer: ISV Billing: Allow developers/ISVs to add a funding source to their developer account. The funding source will be used if the partner is using ISV billing for their apps, which means Poynt charges the partner for each install - not the merchant.
Bug Fixes
Merchant: If a merchant downloads a Poynt HQ report as an excel file, they can’t sum up the currency cells.
Merchant: For Manual Entry > DCC (Dynamic Currency Conversion) transactions > If a card is not eligible for DCC, we used to automatically reject the card; now we allow the transaction to go through as a regular transaction.
Reseller: Previously we sent Resellers automatically generated emails when a merchant is on boarded in our system. As of last week those emails were no longer being sent.
Reseller: When Resellers on board a merchant, remove Credit Call as an option for all processors except for First Data. (We have direct integrations with all other processors and no longer go through the Credit Call Gateway except for First Data).