Below are the updates that were pushed out the week of June 28, 2019.
Feature Enhancements
1. Merchant: We now will automatically settle open batches associated with de-activated TIDs.
2. Merchant: (Loyalty Merchants) Customers can now earn multiple rewards for a single transaction.
3. Reseller: Add support for base 64 encoding (for messages that go out to Acquirers).
Bug Fixes
4. Merchant: Stop sending 400 error when a cancel is attempted on a decline transaction.
5. Reseller: ( Canada) Fix for sending the wrong card number in the void request.
6. Reseller: Send the right error codes on message exception (i.e. Elavon response message not parsed).
7. Reseller: Message spec version was incorrect for exchange rate calls.
8. Reseller: ( Evertec) The response message from a refund needs to be sent with the void request.