I am the co-chair for the Web Payments Working Group at the W3C who are currently working on a standard for payment initiation on the Web.
Our charter is here: http://www.w3.org/Payments/WG/charter-201510.html
In short, we want to standardise a message flow between a merchant website and the payer’s payment application (sometime called a digital wallet) and offer a browser API for merchant sites to initiate this flow.
This work is primarily based at online payments but there are some interesting omni-channel use cases that may be possible on the POYNT device.
Merchants could host their catalogue in a standard e-commerce website that could be browsed from the device and when it came time to check-out the payment flow was picked up by the POYNT SDK so that the user could make a physical payment on the terminal.
Does this use case appeal to any of the POYNT developers (especially those who also develop e-commerce products)?
Does the POYNT device allow regular web browsing? If so, what browser does it use?