poynt.application_id = 'urn:aid:4a957130-6e39-4e7c-bae7-bd3f02a7bad9'
poynt.filename = 'testApp.pem'
poynt.env = "prod"
doc, status_code = poynt.Order.get_orders(
if status_code < 300:
if status_code is 200:
print doc,"Happy"
# do something with business
print "Sad " ,status_code,doc
Response that I get is as follows -
Sad 401 {u'developerMessage': u'Unauthorized access attempt. This principal does not have access to this resource.', u'message': u'Access not authorized for the requested resource.', u'code': u'UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS', u'httpStatus': 401, u'requestId': u'76075814-a878-4bb7-bd70-264a23168d66'}
Should I be changing the environment ? I did register the app and in python it was told that “token generation and refresh is done automatically, behind the scenes” . I was not able to figure out how to fix this can you please help me in doing so ?