Trying to light device, Unauthorized access attempt. This principal does not have access to this resource

On the Android build that works, we send Business ID,
Basic Terminal device ID urn:tid:6059cb7f-4742-31a2-8355-105bbf697cda
And Store ID.

When sending same fields on p61b, we get the following on both devices
Responses from App when attempting to light up device - “developerMessage”:“Unauthorized access attempt. This principal does not have access to this resource.”,“requestId”:“86bde2b3-0625-4876-8535-d3f9607880ec”

on tis build it works and lights up
Android build poynt/k2/k2:4.4.4/KTU84Q/merchant-release-276:user/release-keys

On this build it respoons as stated abov
Android build poynt/p61b/p61b:6.0/MRA58K/merchant-release-346:user/release-keys
Please advise.

Addtionally, we are unable to see merchant account on Dev Mission Control Console. Please provide any additional steps required to make this happen.

What are the serial numbers for these 2 devices?