Trying to add In App Billing

I tried incorporating the In App Billing code from Poynt’s Sample on GitHub:

Everything compiles, but when I call checkSubscriptionStatus, I get the error:
java.lang.SecurityException: Binder invocation to an incorrect interface

The offending call is mBillingService.getSubscriptions.

I’ve tried updating to the libraries in the sample’s build.gradle dependencies, but Android Studio can’t resolve ‘’.

Is there an update I’m missing or something?


I tried using the most current Poynt libraries, thinking this might be the issue.

Poynt’s Release Notes page lists libraries that are older than the libraries we are using. This can’t be the issue.

  • Carl

FYI: This error typically happens as the result of a missing or mismatched AIDL file. I can’t find an AIDL for either Billing* or InApp*.

Hi @cbeeson,
Here is a sample implementation of Poynt Subscription Billing.

Most recent Poynt SDK version - ‘’.

Please update your source code and let us know if you have any questions.

Our source is up to date, we are using ‘’.

The sample you gave a link to is the same as the sample we copied the code from, as shown above.

Thank You,

Thanks for the feedback. Is there an AIDL file I’m missing?