Transaction Missing

Hi Team,

We are facing an issue while communicating with Poynt from our EHR application. After completing a transaction that was initiated from EHR to Poynt, the response was not given back to EHR. For such transactions we are trying to pull the details from Poynt cloud. Our workaround was to pull all transactions from Poynt for a particular day and identify the status of the transaction that we need and update the status to our EHR server. When we started this workaround we came to know that Poynt does not return all the transactions using the API that we are using. Is there any better way to do this?

We are using the below API for fetching the transactions. We tried changing the limit and offset but could not find the transaction we are looking for.*********/transactions?startAt=2019-09-16T00:00:00Z&endAt=2019-09-16T23:59:59Z&limit=100

Details of transaction that we are looking for:

Name:Christine Banaszak
Card Info:****5991

Date: 7:35 pm 9/16/19
ID: #3ca52c18
Approval code: 05803S

Hi Vinish,
The startAt and endAt provided are taken in as UTC times.
All the transactions date/times are stored as UTC on our servers.
The transaction that you were looking for had these params on it,
“createdAt”: “2019-09-17T00:35:23Z”,
“updatedAt”: “2019-09-17T05:15:37Z”

I would recommend sending in the transactionId as a parameter with a UUID as the value in the payment request so it can be used to identify the transaction later. Instead of doing a pull of all transaction you could just get a transaction by using the transactionId.

Here is a sample transactionId,
"transactionId": "959cb17c-7d81-4cf9-92c7-acace9921131"