Tips capture flow

what is the flow to process tips payment:
make authonly payment
capture payment with IPoyntTransactionService

is it correct?

Hi there,

are you asking about configuring the payment flow to present tip options to the customer or setting a predetermined tip to part part of the total?

Hi Dennis,

I am asking about general flows, It supposed to be like below, could you please correct me if I am wrong in something:

flow 1 tips on receipt:

  1. app initializes payment and set AuthzOnly for Payment to true: payment.setAuthzOnly(true)
  2. app prints receipt and customer write tips amount on it
  3. salesman updates transaction: app calls IPoyntTransactionService.updateTransaction() with updated amount
  4. manager closes transaction : app calls IPoyntTransactionService.captureTransaction()

flow 2 tips entered somehow before payment:

  1. app initializes payment and set TipAmount for Payment : payment.setTipAmount(100) and DisableTip by payment.setDisableTip(true)
  2. app does payment within Payment Fragment as usual

flow 3 tips entered on second screen during payment:

  1. app initializes payment as usual and set payment.setDisableTip(false)
  2. after payment user enters tips on second screen

Hi there,

If the merchant account is configured to collect tips the customer will be prompted to leave the tip and sign (if txn amount is above a configurable threadhold, typically $25) on the second screen. The merchant also has an option to enter the tip amount after swiping/dipping the card. If the merchant prints the receipt before the transaction is settled, the receipt will have a tip line. The merchant can later tip adjust transactions that have not settled from the settlement app or from the the transaction list on the terminal.

If the merchant is configured for auto capture when tip adjustment happens IPoyntTransactionService.captureTransaction() is called, otherwise IPoyntTransactionService.updateTransaction() is called. But your app does not need to do that unless you are implementing your own transaction processor service to connect to your own gateway/acquirer backend.

If you set the tip amount in the payment object, the customer will not be prompted to enter the tip, it will be added to the total automatically.

Hello Dennis,

Thank you for detail answer,
I have following question:

and if auto capture is not configured, how transaction can be captured?

Thank you

The merchant will run settlement at the end of the day. We have settlement app installed on the device.

We would like to implement this functionality into our app, whether it is possible? should we call IPoyntTransactionService.captureTransaction() to accomplish this?

Could you explain the functionality of your app and in what markets you intend it to work?

we are developing pos for qsr, restaurant, and handling tips inside the app is very impotant

Would this work to set the tip amount in your app?

Payment payment = new Payment();
payment.setTipAmount(long tipAmount);