I placed an order that included tax and fees. I completed both cash and card transactions using a Poynt Terminal and received a receipt that clearly showed the tax and fees (please see attached images: CardEmailRcpt and CashEmailRcpt). However, when I attempted the same transaction using a physical device, the receipt did not show the tax and fees (please see attached images: Card and Cash). Could you please review the code I used to generate the order and let me know if there are any issues?
open fun createCardOrder(subTotalAmount: Long, netAmount: Long, actualAmt : Long, stateTax: String, customFeeAmt: String, label: String, isStateTax :Boolean, isFee :Boolean): Order? {
val order = Order()
order.id = UUID.randomUUID()
val items: MutableList = ArrayList()
val item3 = OrderItem()
item3.name = “Item3”
item3.id = 1002
item3.unitPrice = subTotalAmount
item3.quantity = 1.0f
item3.status = OrderItemStatus.ORDERED
item3.unitOfMeasure = UnitOfMeasure.EACH
item3.tax = getFeeTaxValue(stateTax,actualAmt.toInt()).toLong()
item3.fee = getFeeTaxValue(customFeeAmt,actualAmt.toInt()).toLong()
order.items = items
var subTotal = BigDecimal(0)
for (item in items) {
var price = BigDecimal(item.unitPrice)
price.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)
price = price.multiply(BigDecimal(item.quantity.toDouble()))
subTotal = subTotal.add(price)
if(isFee) {
val orderFee = Fee()
orderFee.amount = getFeeTaxValue(customFeeAmt,subTotalAmount.toInt()).toLong()
orderFee.id = 2222L
orderFee.name = label
val fees: ArrayList<Fee> = ArrayList()
order.fees = fees
val amounts = OrderAmounts()
amounts.currency = "USD"
amounts.subTotal = subTotalAmount
amounts.netTotal = netAmount
amounts.taxTotal = getFeeTaxValue(stateTax,actualAmt.toInt()).toLong()
if(isFee) {
val feeAmount = getFeeTaxValue(customFeeAmt,actualAmt.toInt()).toLong()
amounts.feeTotal = feeAmount
order.amounts = amounts
val orderStatuses = OrderStatuses()
orderStatuses.status = OrderStatus.OPENED
order.statuses = orderStatuses
return order
Udaya Murthy