Second Screen Customization and Detection


We have a usecase where we need to have merchant onboarding to POYNT hosted app and record feedback/rating of customer via the same app from 2nd screen.
We have few queries considering above use case related to customization of customer facing screen-

  1. Can we show ‘Star’ symbols or rating bar instead of 1 to 5 numbers to record customer feedback?
  2. Also which API can be useful for usecase where we have to show Merhcant logo with merchant description along with a clickable button?
  3. And lastly, how to detect if second screen is present or not? Is there any fucntion we can use?
    For point 2 we are looking into check-in api provided by secondScreenService.
    We are referring to Working with second screen this document as of now.
    Any help will be appreciated.