QR Code Generation and display on 2nd screen

Is there anyway to generate a QR Code to be displayed on the 2nd screen of the Smart Terminal? There is a template named showCheckIn that appears to allow the display of a bitmap image. Could that be used to present a bitmap containing a QR code to be read by a customer’s iPhone?

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Please use displayMessage API from https://poynt.com/working-with-the-second-screen/. Just pass the background image and nothing else.

Hi Dennis,

I’m working on a problem similar to Mike, where I’m trying to display a QR code for users on the second screen. I’m running through your code on github https://github.com/poynt/PoyntSamples/blob/master/codesamples/src/main/java/co/poynt/samples/codesamples/SecondScreenServiceV2Activity.java with my own project using api:android-api-model:1.2.108 and android.sdk:poynt-sdk:1.2.27


private void showConfirmation(String message) {
    try {
        Bitmap customBackgroundImage = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),
        Bundle options = new Bundle();
        options.putParcelable(Intents.EXTRA_BACKGROUND_IMAGE, customBackgroundImage);
        SecondScreenService.displayMessage(message, options);
    } catch (RemoteException e) {

However, the options parameter keeps erring out with, “wrong second argument type found android.os.bundle required android.graphics.bitmap”

Are there some incompatibility issues with displayMessage and the recent package upgrades?

Also, by just cloning and running your PoyntSamples repo (codesamples), every example in “Second Screen Service V2 Activitiy” crashes the terminal when you press their buttons…

Hi there,

could you send the serial number of your terminal and the logcat of the crash to devsupport@poynt.com?