Poynt emulator issue

Dear All,

i have got the poynt AVD using Poynt python Script and i am able to view in my android studio AVD manager ,but there is an issue ,my emulator do not look like as given in poynt official tutorial,please see the attached image and guide me if i did anything wrong.

thanks in advance

When you click the home button do you get a prompt to select between Android launcher and Poynt launcher? What is see if the default Android launcher, if you choose Poynt Launcher you should see the view on the right.

Dear ,

I observed the following screen when i pressed the home screen,

Can you execute this command and post the output here?

`adb shell ps | grep poynt`

Dear dennis,

I run the command and result is given below in the following ,screen

and one more thing can you share the Poynt AVD becuase i think the AVD i downloaded using Poynt Emulator Python script is having some issue .so please share it from Drop box and i extract it in the android avd folder and check it again.

Looks like adb is in your PATH. I think the executable is located at this location on Windows C:\Users<insert username here>\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe. I’ll see what we can do about the dropbox.

The ZIP file that’s downloaded from the Python script is located here:


The AVD file is inside that ZIP file.

thnx dear, i try this one as well ,and can you tell me the exact steps that i need to take to run this AVD successfully on my andriod studio ?

Since you already have a virtual device configured (based on your screenshot), here is what you do:

  1. Stop the Android emulator if it’s currently running

  2. Unzip the poyntos_1_2_11_avd_img_r003.zip file (from message above)

  3. Inside the ZIP are userdata.img and sdcard.img.
    Copy those files into your avd image directory. On Windows, that would be

  4. Start Android emulator

thnx dear, i try that and let you know the result.

Dear Neil,

I unzipped and checked the AVD and found following Error,

Please help me to solve this AVD issue ,thnx