I placed cash and credit card payments 2 days back, the order placed successfully. From the next the order not placing, I have not changed anything and showing this error
{“code”:“INVALID_PARAMETER”,“httpStatus”:400,“message”:“Parameter provided is invalid.”,“developerMessage”:“eq(null) is not allowed. Use isNull() instead”,“requestId”:“5fd9bb94-aa45-4c45-bff2-061d1bd519e6”}
I followed Python code URL: https://github.com/poynt/python-sample/blob/master/src/PoyntAPI.py#L706
FYI: if I add transaction list only getting this error without this order is placing.
Here is the below code for both cash and credit card payments. getting same error for both payments. Can you please help to solve the issue. Thank you…
Order order = new Order();
order.items = new List<Item>();
Item i = new Item();
i.status = "FULFILLED";
i.name = "Almond Tart";
i.unitOfMeasure = "EACH";
i.unitPrice = 600;
i.quantity = "2";
i.sku = "";
i.tax ="0";
i.selectedVariants = new List<selectedVariants>();
selectedVariants s = new selectedVariants();
s.price = new CurrencyAmount();
s.price.amount = "300";
s.price.currency = "USD";
s.variations = new List<ProductVariation>();
ProductVariation p = new ProductVariation();
p.attribute = "1 kg";
p.values = new List<Value>();
Value v = new Value();
v.name = "100";
Value v1 = new Value();
v1.name = "200";
Item i1 = new Item();
i1.status = "FULFILLED";
i1.name = "TEst2";
i1.unitOfMeasure = "EACH";
i1.unitPrice = 800;
i1.quantity = "1";
i1.sku = "";
i1.tax = "0";
order.amounts = new Amounts();
order.amounts.taxTotal = "0";
order.amounts.subTotal = "2000";
order.amounts.netTotal = "2000";
order.amounts.discountTotal = "0";
order.amounts.currency = "USD";
order.context = new Contexts();
order.context.source = "WEB";
order.context.businessId = businessId;
order.context.storeId =storeid;
order.context.storeDeviceId = deviceid;
order.statuses = new Statuses();
order.statuses.status = "OPENED";
order.createdAt = "2017-11-20T11:14:44Z";
order.updatedAt = "2017-11-20T11:14:44Z";
order.transactions = new List<Transaction>();
////////// Cash Payments codes
Transaction t = new Transaction();
t.fundingSource = new FundingSource();
t.fundingSource.type = "CASH";
t.action = "SALE";
t.amounts = new Amounts2();
t.amounts.currency = "USD";
t.amounts.transactionAmount = "2000";
t.amounts.orderAmount = "2000";
t.amounts.tipAmount = "0";
t.amounts.cashbackAmount = "0";
//////////// Credit card Payments Code start
//Transaction t = new Transaction();
//t.fundingSource = new FundingSource();
//t.fundingSource.type = "CREDIT_DEBIT";
//t.action = "SALE";
//t.status = "AUTHORIZED";
//t.amounts = new Amounts2();
//t.amounts.currency = "USD";
//t.amounts.transactionAmount = "2000";
//t.amounts.orderAmount = "2000";
//t.fundingSource.debit = "";
//t.fundingSource.card = new Card();
//t.fundingSource.card.type = "VISA";
//t.fundingSource.card.status = "ACTIVE";
//t.fundingSource.card.expirationMonth = 12;
//t.fundingSource.card.expirationYear = 2017;
//t.fundingSource.card.number = "4111111111111111";
//t.fundingSource.entryDetails = new EntryDetails();
//t.fundingSource.entryDetails.customerPresenceStatus = "PRESENT";
//t.fundingSource.entryDetails.entryMode = "KEYED";
//t.fundingSource.verificationData = new VerificationData();
//t.fundingSource.verificationData.cvData = "123";//CVV
//t.contexts = new Context2();
//t.contexts.storeId = storeid
//t.contexts.businessId = businessId;
//t.contexts.businessType = "TEST_MERCHANT";
//t.contexts.mcc = "";
//t.contexts.mid = "";
//t.contexts.tid = "";
//t.contexts.storeDeviceId = "deviceid
//t.contexts.source = "WEB";
//t.contexts.transactionInstruction = "EXTERNALLY_PROCESSED";
//t.contexts. transmissionAtLocal = "2017-11-20T11:14:44Z";
FYI: If invalid parameter name is mentioned with error then developers can easily understand the issue.