Latest versions of sdk libs


could you please suggest how to get what versions of the libs are the latest for the current PoyntOS?
like : ‘co.poynt.api:android-api-model:1.2.36@jar’, ‘’

could you please post somewhere this information like:
PoyntOs version - 80 - sdk files:‘co.poynt.api:android-api-model:X.X.X@jar’, ‘’

or maybe you can suggest how to update them?

Thank you,

Hi there,

This information is typically published at We normally upgrade all devkits at the same time. However we kept a lot of existing devkits on release 51 because had to pull some experimental APIs from later releases and did not want to break existing integrations. Starting next month we expect to upgrade everyone to the most current release.

So to answer your question, sdk 1.2.10 and api-model 1.2.36 should work with the build you have on your terminal.