In my dev variant (required by poynt) I’m testing the billing of my app without success.
I’ve created a billing plan in MC, it is already approved, and it is in EUR currency.
Launching the billing intent (using the correct billing plan id sent by poynt) I can see an error and a Toast that says something about a wrong product id.
If I use getPlans() method from SDK I’ve this response
My hypothesis was that the problem concerned the currency; my plan was created in EUR, but the merchant is set in USD.
Poynt support has confirmed that and he have created a new test merchant set in EUR with ELAVON__EU as acquirer.
But I cannot activate any terminal, probably because ELAVON__EU is not avaiable during the setup wizard.
I tried Chase Paymentech as suggested in the FAQ here in this forum, but also this aquirer create a merchant with USD currency.
I do not think it’s just my problem, but I can not figure out how to solve it
Thank you.