How to use PaymentSettings?

Hi all,
So, I’m probably not great at reading through documentation, but how do I use PaymentSettings? (Or, specifically, how does one apply PaymentSettings to a Payment?).

Side note to @dennis or other staff people, my goal in using PaymentSettings is to suppress the built-in receipt screen using setAutoForwardReceiptScreen, so that my POS prints a complete sales receipt with line item detail, and not just the credit card receipt. I plan on including all the information on the credit card receipt in my sales receipt, plus the line item detail. Is that allowed in your rules? Any particular things I need to pay attention to when doing so? Also, there are a few fields printed on the built-in receipt that don’t seem to be returned when I complete a transaction. For example, the Merchant field is different than business ID, the terminal ID is missing, the entry mode is different, etc.


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So, for the others reading this forum, Dennis solved the problem for me.

First, an OS update was in order, which he made available for my device. (Open up settings and go to software update - not sure if it needs to be made explicitly available.)

Then, I updated my Maven repository to

Then, I updated the dependencies to:
compile ‘co.poynt.api:android-api-model:1.2.56@jar’
compile ‘’

(Note: this broke my IPoyntReceiptPrintingServiceListener. The function public void printFailed() needed to be changed to public void printFailed(PrinterStatus printerStatus), then it worked).

Then, this did the trick for skipping the receipt screen:

Payment payment = new Payment();

So, thanks @dennis for all your help! My app is 83% done now:-). It’s accepting payments and reading the needed details of the payment, immediately printing the POS receipt, and sending everyone on their merry way. Just a few more things and I’ll have a ready-for-market app. I hope everyone else is having as much success as I am. This is a pretty neat terminal and I appreciate the team backing it up!