I’ve been looking release notes page and there’s only until SDK 1.2.11 and Models 1.2.44. Looking at nexus repository I’ve found SDK 1.2.13 and Models 1.2.62. Looking at some topics I’ve found indications to update gradle depencencies to SDK 1.2.13 and 1.2.56.
How can I know about new stable releases? I think that the indication is to use 1.2.56 instead of .62 because it may be unstable, idk.
And how can I ensure that the version which I’m building the app is compatible with an specific device? For example, if I build an app with models 1.2.32 and try to install it in my terminal, it will throw some exceptions. I think it’s because Poynt services might use an incompatible version of the models.
Thanks in advance (: