Hello world program to test my TEST Merchant account

Dear All,

Can somebody share with me sample application to test merchant account created and plz explain it in step by step manner so that it will be easy to understand the payment mechanism using poynt system.

Please take a look at our sample app on github, specifically at https://github.com/poynt/PoyntSamples/blob/master/app/src/main/java/co/poynt/samples/SampleActivity.java#L85. When the charge button is clicked the launchPoyntPayment is called: https://github.com/poynt/PoyntSamples/blob/master/app/src/main/java/co/poynt/samples/SampleActivity.java#L368.

In general, the steps to launch payment flow on a Poynt terminal are:

  1. create a Payment objection and specify amount, currency, tender type (options), referenceId, etc. Essentially this is how you configure the checkout session
  2. create an Intent
    Intent collectPaymentIntent = new Intent(Intents.ACTION_COLLECT_PAYMENT);
  3. Add payment object to the intent
    collectPaymentIntent.putExtra(Intents.INTENT_EXTRAS_PAYMENT, payment);
  4. call startActivityForResult to launch the payment fragment:
    startActivityForResult(collectPaymentIntent, COLLECT_PAYMENT_REQUEST);
  5. Override onActivityResult method in your activity which will be called once the payment session is over. This is where you can get the payment result. Please see https://github.com/poynt/PoyntSamples/blob/master/app/src/main/java/co/poynt/samples/SampleActivity.java#L394