Google Maps - key

Our app needs to show the merchant position using a google map.
In order to use maps we need to have the right apps secret key; this key should be linked to the Nexi “pos” website. How can we get it?

Hi Roberto,
I am not aware of any secret key that we provide to access google maps. If you are referring to a unique Id to identify your app on poynt then the App ID can be used for this purpose. Please keep in mind that we do not have google play services framework in Poynt OS, if google maps depends on Google play services then it would not work.
Let us know if you need further information.


Hi Roberto,
PoyntOS doesn’t include google play services, you’ll need to use alternative services. For the maps I suggest you to use which replicate the same APIs of google maps to easy switch to the library on your project

Hi Deepak,
thanks for the reply.
Our app needs to show a google map with the position of the merchant (i.e. a pin in a map centered around the merchant shop). In order to show a map, google gives you a secret key (to insert in the code as detailed at .
We could use our key, because we are using google maps services, but we need to declare the url the app is working on, so to specifically authorize this url and we do not know how to retrieve the poynt url to declare.

Unfortunately the accuracy of is not what we need.

Hi Roberto,
Can you please share more information on what the url looks like and how you use it. We never came across these requests and are not sure what you mean.
