I’m trying to generate the JWT Token to authenticate get the Access Token for making requests but i’m having some trouble to follow the instructions:
if (appSettings != null) { if (appSettings.getBusinessId() != null) { claimsSet.setCustomClaim(Claims.POYNT_BIZ, appSettings.getBusinessId().toString()); } if (appSettings.getStoreId() != null) { claimsSet.setCustomClaim(Claims.POYNT_STORE, appSettings.getStoreId().toString()); } if (appSettings.getStoreDeviceId() != null) { claimsSet.setCustomClaim(Claims.POYNT_DEVICE_ID, deviceMetaData.getStoreDeviceId()); } } if (Strings.notEmpty(issuedTo)) { claimsSet.setCustomClaim(Claims.POYNT_ISSUED_TO, issuedTo); }
I can’t find these Constants anywhere, Claims.POYNT_BIZ, Claims.POYNT_STORE, Claims.POYNT_DEVICE_ID… where can i find them?
Can you please help me?