FAQs - Test Devices

Hi All :slight_smile: I have tried to list a few recurrent issues that Italian developers faced in the past weeks, with solutions/ next steps to follow. This list is provisional and could be updated, in case any other developer reports new issues:

  1. When setting up a new device, following the procedure described here, which bank should I select for my test merchant?
    Chase Paymentech should be selected as the acquirer, the instructions will be updated once the Nexi payment App development will be finalized

  2. A red bar appears on top of my device saying “Device not initialized” and when I try to run transaction, I receive the following error message “Card reader not available”
    “Device not initialized” notification means the terminals does not have encryption keys. In order to inject test keys the device needs to be in developer mode/unlocked. Poynt Smart Terminals v2 section on https://poynt.github.io/developer/setup/developer-mode.html explains how to do that. After the terminal is unlocked, test keys can be injected. The FAQ “How can I inject test encryption keys?” explains how to do that

  3. I cannot see the navigation bar on my terminal
    The developer just needs to send serial number of his device to devsupport@poynt.com once the terminal has been activated

  4. I try to run a transaction and I get “declined/rejeced by the card reader” as an error
    Bancomat cards won’t work on test terminals until we have a test version of Nexi app. If this decline happens for a regular Visa/MasterCard, developer needs to get in touch with devsupport@poynt.com to share the logcat to diagnose the error

  5. I try to run transactions and I get “network error” as an error
    This typically means the terminal is not connected to the Internet. This can be verified in Help app > Diagnostics which has connectivity test. A quick way to update the Internet connection is to tap twice on the time displayed on the home screen

  6. Poynt App keeps crashing and as a result, “Poynt Services has stopped” error message keeps popping up
    devsupport@poynt.com needs to see the serial number of the terminal, steps to reproduce the error and the logcat from the device