EU Billing api error


i’m trying to fetch subscriptions for given app. I’m doing get request to: When i do a request without token in headers, i get 401 which is great. If i supply token, this is what i get:

“httpStatus”: 404,
“message”: “Resource not found”,
“developerMessage”: “{sub=Demo, poynt.did=urn:tid:a94630eb-4561-3ebe-9d12-df46286c4352, poynt.dst=D, poynt.sct=J,, iss=, poynt.kid=6155246152827141777,, poynt.str=75b2cf9d-3c8b-4bcc-acf2-7c14a7da4a4b, aud=[urn:aid:7f95ae64-fa3d-4d5e-8d82-11691f7924cf],, exp=Sat Oct 19 12:23:21 UTC 2019, iat=Fri Oct 18 12:23:21 UTC 2019, jti=211326a5-9e01-44f7-ac56-0d15fed2140e}”,
“requestId”: “4ba464be-ba4f-402a-95ee-78bf6cef39e6”

Not sure what i’m doing wrong.

Also, i’m using token from one of the merchants when doing this billing requests, so if i got this right, i can use any merchant token to query all subscriptions and it will work?? Of course i mean tokens from merchants that installed given app.

Thanks for help
