Error: apk not signed during upload of a new version


I’m trying to upload a new version of my mobile APP.
I have produced the apk with the same toolchain and have signed it with the same certificates of previous versions.

Despite this, at the end of upload the site show a msg “The APK you uploaded was not signed. Please sign it and try again.”.

I can’t understand what to do in order to upload my apk successfully.

Thanks in advice, best regards

Giuseppe Garzotto

Anyone can help ?

I’ve tried to rebuild the APK signing it with a brand-new certificate, but nothing changes.

Consider that the keytool command says that APK is correctly signed with the provided certificate, so I can’t understand the reason of the message.

The APK is 32-bit, JAVA is 1.8.0_60 64-bit. Could be a reason ?

Thanks in advice, best regards

Giuseppe Garzotto

18 days and no answer.

Is this normal?