Configuration of payment options

I have a few questions about the cloud API:
1.- Is there an API where we can we disable tips and cash payment method (and potentially only allow specific cards like say VISA)?
2.- If this is possible, can be it be done on a per request basis (say on a specific authorization call?)
3.- If this cannot be done, how would this be configured? At the store level or the device level?

For disabling cash, see setDisableCash here:

For disabling tips, see: setGratuityEnabled here:

I don’t think it’s possible to disable an actual card brand – the brands accepted are based on how the merchant is on-boarded.

Hi Neil
Thank you for your prompt responses! I see these methods are available from the mobile api, but what I was really wondering is if they would be available from the cloud api. We have a need for a web platform to be able to call into the cloud api with a request that could optionally configure what is and is not allowed for that particular request. The card configuration per merchant onboarding is great.

Jose, not yet. But the good thing is that we will build it for you. We are working on making Payment Bridge API to be on parity with what can be done from a native app running on Android.