Cannot test plans and subscriptions: currency is always USD

I’m going to integrate my app with poynt services (I used cordova and I created a simple plugin to retrieve plans and subscriptions, using poynt sdk).

I noticed, with logcat, that when I try to get plans, the library send also the currency and it is fixed to US. My test plans are all in EUR, so the call return always 0 records.

I tried to change the store currency (I’m using a test merchant) via Mission Control, I also tried to change Merchant locale (without success: despite I save Italy for Locale, the system save the merchant always with United States locale), but nothing changed: the currency send from the device (same problem on real and on emulator) is always US.

How can I fix this merchant attribute? (Note: the same call with currency EUR, returns results correctly)


Can you share the serial number of your device?

Below serial numbers of our two devices:



Thank you.

@poynt4 see that your devices are still registered on US dev portal? Can you reboot both devices so they can get an update? After you need to register on, we will wipe the devices and make a configuration change on our end and you will reactivate using a test merchant created in EU dev portal.

Hi, thanks for your help.
Both of my devices has been updated.
I signed in, but still I cannot associate my terminal with the test merchant (same message as before).

Furthermore my app with dev variant is not approved yet (plans still in pending state).

Could help me through these issues?


@poynt4, can you get to Developers Preferences on both terminals and wipe them by tapping 10 times on WARNING?

How do I unlock Developer Preferences on a developer device or emulator?
Swipe down from the top of the screen, go to Settings > About > tap 10 times on PoyntOS Version. When you go back to the Settings screen, you will see Developer Preferences.

Plans for your dev variant have been approved.

as already written in another post (Impossible to test billing fragment (and then to get app approved) ) we find ourselves in the same situation as poynt4
we are correctly registered on eu.poynt, we have an approved plan and our
terminal has been correctly registered on the european portal, but the
APIs continue to invoke the services passing USD as currency
how can we solve this problem?

@dindaro, looks like @deepak already resolved this and responded on the other post.