Cannot build java-cloud-sdk

I cannot build the java-cloud-sdk provided at

When I first tried to build the jar with “mvn package”, it complained about not being able to find co.poynt.api:api-model:1.2.33 at the maven repositories.

Then, I have added the in the repositories element in the pom.xml, and the api-model could be downloaded, but now it complains about co.poynt.api:api-model-generator:1.2.33 not being able to transfer because of Unauthorized exception.

Am I missing something?

Sorry for the delay. Can you clone the repo and try again?

Hi dennis,

I have downloaded the latest version from the repo, but I still get the “Not Authorized” exception when trying to copy the co.poynt.api:api-model-generator:pom:1.2.64 from

Thank you for your help.

Hi @skodama,

I apologize for the failed build. I just realized that Maven, for some reason, requires the ability to read an artifact’s parent pom as well even if your project is only dependent on the artifact and nothing in the parent pom. I’ve just re-configured our Maven repository to allow external access to the parent pom so this should resolve the build problem.

Please give it another try. Thanks.

Hi victor,

I tried it again and the build completed successfully.

Thank you for your help.