Call REST service to get QR Code from a custom payment option button

My company is evaluating Poynt V2 terminal to see if it will support our closed loop payment system. Per business requirements, I am writing an android on terminal app to support display of a scannable QR Code to the second screen. I have created a custom payment option button. When the custom button is pressed, we would like to be able get a QR Code from a REST service callback and display the QR Code to the terminal second screen. Ideally, the terminal would stay in 'waiting for custom payment' mode. The customer would scan the QR Code on the second screen from our mobile app (yet to be written). Another process would use Poynt APIs and cloud messaging to process the transaction and send a message back to the terminal, which would then update and complete the transaction.

I have reviewed the Poynt documentation and Poynt Sample code for implementing a custom transaction processor as well as the samplegiftcardprocessor. I figured out how to display a custom background image and message to the second screen of the Poynt terminal following the example in the Poynt Samples code. Is it supported/possible to put these things together for a customized closed loop payment flow using Poynt - maybe using android PaymentFragment Activity instead of DialogFragment?

You can use the custom tender option to launch your activity from within the payment fragment

Thanks for your reply Deepak, and also for the separate email suggestion to contact sales for our business side questions.