Bottom bar appeared and then disappeared

In the night between July 19th and 20th our device has been updated. Then I was able to activate it and link it to our test merchant.
We noticed that a new bottom bar appeared, with back and home buttons. We were making tests and I captured it in the picture below:

But today, the bar disappeared, and we don’t know why, because we did nothing: did Poynt update the terminal again during the weekend?
Is there any setting that could set it?

We need to understand how to manage it because our app has been built on the assumption that the available screen size is 601 x 938, but with the bar on, the height was reduced to 890.



@marco.ottolini, what is the serial number of this device?

serial number: P6SW181JS001449

The terminal appears to be offline. Could you connect it?

It lost connectivity lo local wifi, strange. Now is on and we’ll monitor it closely

Looks like your EU dev portal test merchant did not have navigation bar preference enabled. It’s on now, so if you reboot, the nav bar should show up.

It’s there now, but how can you set it up from the Mission Control?
I am trying to locate the preference in order to set it manually from our dashboard, but did not manage to find it.

From what you mentioned, I believe it should exist either

  • in at the display options of a terminal of a merchant - where everything is a toggle:

  • or (more unlikely) in the store settings of a store of a merchant as shown below, where I believe transaction-related options are set:

Could you navigate me to the setting location?


The preference for setting navigation bar is not available on developer portal