Activating multiple Terminal with single device/Simulator

Hi Dennis,

Is it possible to activate multiple terminal with 1 device/Simulator? I activated my terminal with simulator and after that I can’t deactivate or activate new terminal with the simulator until I delete the simulator .



I am not 100% sure I understand you question, but let me try to answer it.

On you can add terminals to your test business. Once you add a terminal you need to click Activate button to get to the screen with QR code and MID/TID info. You can either scan QR code with your test terminal or input MID/TID information into the activation flow of your simulator. You cannot activate 2 devices or emulators using the same MID/TID.


A PoyntOS emulator image can only be activated once. If you’d like to activate more than one, you’ll have to create a separate emulator image with the stock userdata.img and sdcard.img files (and remove the userdata-qemu.img file).


Hi Dennis,Neil,

Okay I understand that I can activate simulator once with 1 terminal. Can I make my own login screen and ask user to enter the username and passcode to get token instead of redirecting to Poynt screen . I know it is possible through Rest API but I woulf like to know if we have any API in SDK for it?

Basically I want to do everything in my own app instead of going to other app. I can see that there is API to activate the terminal and creating/getting the user but couldn’t find any API by which I can ask user to enter their login .


Hi Sandeep,
Please take a look at this example: